Tuesday 4 June 2013

Wk 1: What Good are the Arts?

Throughout this lecture we concentrated on the question ‘What Good are the Arts?’ I believe the arts can show your own individuality though expressions of the 5 strands of the Arts which are Music, Dance, Drama, Visual and Media Arts. Through professional experience, I discovered that when children do an Art form e.g. painting, they can only express themselves to whatever extent they have within the classroom, for example, a teacher saying you can only paint the picture in front of you the exact colour it should be in real life e.g. a koala being grey. Children are therefore limited to feel the colours that they enjoy painting with. As said by Anne Bloomfield (2000) “Children are recognised as creative artists in their own right... ” (p. 2) to which I believe they should be able to express their feelings through any type of art form and not be given extreme guidelines as to what they have to do to conform within society such as school.

3 of the 5 Art strands experienced in this semesters Creative Arts. Visual Arts, Drama and Media Arts.


Bloomfield, A. & Childs, J. (2000). Teaching Integrated Arts in the Primary School. London: David Fulton Publishers.
Pic 2
Pic 3

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